Your Property Walk-Through Consultancy
This is the first step of our consultancy at your property.
Service Description
This is the first step of our consultancy services, depending if you already own the property where you want to setup your permaculture project. It is our most basic service which is a walk through consultancy of 2-4 hours site visit depending on your land size, topography, and geographical position of your property, land, or garden. It is a verbal consultation where recommendations are given. No written reports are issued with this package. This is a good entry-level point to get ideas on how to integrate holistic design into your site. It is also the first site visit for project evaluation, so that we can prepare a quote for you if you want to go for our Masterplan Design Consultancy, or our Whole-Site Design Consultancy with a complete written report, site plans, and maps. Fees include travel expenses and travel time, with upfront payment prior to site visit.
Contact Details
Terganic Permaculture Garden Farm, La Meule Permaculture Ecovillage, Bambous Virieux, Mauritius